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    \nEurope is not a private channel and so it is bound to the sites rules. 
    \nNSFW is subjective so instead of outlaying every rule, we let people know as the need arises. If we decided that NSFW was allowed based on the rooms audience, then you entered genchat as they were posting hardcore pornagraphy you would be wondering why we're letting it happen.
    \nYou're interpretation of NSFW is yours alone, the reason it was noticed is because someone working in mainland Europe did not find it appropriate for their work place and most work places wouldn't either.
    \nThe whole situation would have been handled within seconds by not posting the requested content again without the NSFW tag. 
    \nIf you feel oppressed by this then please leave, I don't wish to oppress you any further.","image":"https:\/\/\/themes\/default\/images\/profiles\/cat.jpg","link":"\/profile\/TheBritishAreComing","date":"2017-04-26","delete":false,"datetime":"Apr 26th 2017 13:36","timestamp":1493213801,"loggedIn":false,"username":"TheBritishAreComing","upclass":"","downclass":"","upvoted":false,"downvoted":false,"score":2,"level":2,"children":[],"deleted":0,"parent":27853,"previews":[],"entity":3772,"guilds":0,"type":"1","type_string":"topic"}],"deleted":0,"parent":0,"previews":[],"entity":3772,"guilds":0,"type":"1","type_string":"topic"},{"id":27852,"user":1,"comment":"Cookie,
    \nI joined the room to ask another member to post links as NSFW. They said fine and it was to be left there.Your response was to insult the British and American people, repost the content without the NSFW tag and say "Bite me".
    \nYou didn't ask why, you didn't start a discussion.Instead you chose to insult me, insult two different cultures and repost the content with a childish remark.
    \nYou got banned because of your reaction, everyone else discussed the matter at length for almost an hour. No one else was banned.
    \nThe site is a global site, it's accessible to people all over the world and whilst we're not attempting to censor anyone there are certain requirements we enforce to ensure it remains accessible to people whilst they are in a public or work place.
    \nRules around NSFW are entirely subjective, as we discussed yesterday and as such the normal response is for a mod to request in future you mark it as NSFW.
    \nJust because women in lingerie is acceptable to be looked at in your work place does not mean it is for most people regardless of country.The whole of Europe is not the same as your work place and it was another European member who brought it to our attention because it wasn't suitable for their workplace!
    \nI understand that you want to share content like this and that's fine you can use the NSFW tag or the sexychat18 chatroom.
    \nJames","image":"https:\/\/\/themes\/default\/images\/profiles\/cat.jpg","link":"\/profile\/TheBritishAreComing","date":"2017-04-26","delete":false,"datetime":"Apr 26th 2017 12:51","timestamp":1493211085,"loggedIn":false,"username":"TheBritishAreComing","upclass":"","downclass":"","upvoted":false,"downvoted":false,"score":2,"level":1,"children":[],"deleted":0,"parent":0,"previews":[],"entity":3772,"guilds":0,"type":"1","type_string":"topic"}], entityID : "3772", title : "Comments", element : "discussion_container", buttonText : "Add Comment", buttonClasses : "small_button small_button_green", answerClasses : "" }; if(typeof($d) == "undefined"){ $d = { initCheckboxes:function(element){ element.find("input[type=checkbox]").each(function(){ var c = $(this); if(!c.attr("checkbox_setup")){ c.attr("checkbox_setup",true); var id = c.attr("id"); var container = $(document.createElement("div")); container.addClass(c.get(0).className); c.get(0).className = ""; container.addClass("checkbox"); container.attr("id",id); container.prop("name",id); c.attr("id",id + "-checkbox"); container.prop("checked",c.get(0).checked); container.prop("value",c.val()); container.prop("type","checkbox"); container.attr("type","checkbox"); if(c.prop("title")){container.append(""+c.prop("title")+"");} c.before(container); c.remove(); container.append(c); if(c.get(0).checked){ container.addClass("checked"); } var checkUncheck = function(){ c.addClass("toSave"); if(c.get(0).checked){container.addClass("checked");} else{container.removeClass("checked");} };{ var container = $(this);; container.prop("checked",c.get(0).checked); checkUncheck(); }); } }); }, initSelects: function(element){ try{ if(!this.helpers.isMobile()){ element.find("select").select2(); } }catch(e){} }, session: { isLoggedIn:function(){return false;} }, helpers: { stripHTML : function(string){ var div = $(document.createElement("div")); div.html(string.replace(/(
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