

22 / Male / Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand


When I was little I was able to fart whenever I wanted and people thought it was hilarious. Now they're like 'that's gross' and 'stop wrecking grandmas birthday'. I miss childhood

What I'm doing with my life
Holy shit mum I didn't know you ran this site.
Favouritest of all the things
I like drinking because then I can try and find my fathers love in the nearest person.I like reading because then I can pretend that the character is my father and he loves meI like travelling so I can pretend the old man who smiled at me was my dad.I like cooking because I like to eat like the piece of shit I am.
My darkest secret
I once pretended to kill a guy. He was really good at acting too. He's still playing dead to this day which is kinda crazy but the guys in prison seemed to like it.
Also I'm only ever on here while I'm doing the drinking alone thing
  • Single
  • Secondary / High school

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