

24 / Male / Greensboro, NC, United States


Well, hello there, Imgurians! I'm Rick, a recent college graduate living in gso, NC.

I enjoy music, lately I've been on a huge bluegrass kick but I listen to a wide array of music I like rock, rap, dubstep, oldies, metal, top-20, blues, trance, jam-bands, I really just enjoy music. I play guitar as well.

I also really love movies and binge watching TV shows. I've seen all of the "popular" tv shows like Dr. Who, Sherlock, Star Trek (all), Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, HIMYM,Parks&Rec,Modern Family, Etc. This has drastically impacted my sleep schedule for the last 5 years and I would not have it any other way.

I am from Asheville, NC and have lived there for a while. I like jumping off of things into rivers and there are quite a few places to do that around AVL and within the WNC mountains in general.

I recently started painting and am enjoying it very much, I just wanted more colorful stuff to hang on my walls, I am not capable of painting "real things" so abstract it is. Some people don't call it art, I don't care, I like doing it.

I like beers, not in the sense of "hey let's get shithoused (well that, too) but actually "connoisseur" status, I love trying new ones. Living in "beer city USA" certainly did not hurt that hobby.

I will add more to this as I think of anything worth sharing with strangers, If you come across my little profile and want to say "Hello," you are free and more than welcomed to do so.

What I'm doing with my life
OP's mother
Favouritest of all the things
DickGlitter has not written anything about their favouritest of all things.
My darkest secret
DickGlitter doesn't think they have any secrets, but we all know about that one time right? ;)

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