

idk what I'm doing on here
Perhaps Amanda

25 / Female / Laredo, TX, United States


I can remember lots of things out of movies, spells from Harry Potter and a bunch of random lyrics.I'm also pretty legit about cooking and baking. I can bake like a motherfucker. I don't even like cake, but i make some sweet ass cake.

What I'm doing with my life
nursing and shit
Favouritest of all the things
-Parks&Rec-pizza-The Office-everything on Netflix basicall-Bruins-Chris Pratt-pizza-ps4-acoustic geetar-long walks to the fridge-Packers-pizza-books-my desktop and/or laptop-Red Sox-cod-pizza-puppies-Harry Potter-Sons of Anarchy-pizza
My darkest secret
I am scared of clowns, open waters, the dark....Don't do it.
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