

I am nerd hear me roar!

22 / Female / Canton, OH, United States


I am a lady just kind of bopping around the interwebs looking for some people who actually share the same interests as me. I figured this is where I would find the most luck :) I'm a student studying speech pathology ( my major is the absolute tits btw). I am also quite nerdy, shocker right? I love comic books, Parks and Rec(Ron Swanson is a beautiful creature),LOTR, and anime. I obviously have other interests but I'd rather not make this obnoxiously long and if you're super curious feel free to ask. I'm quite friendly! Let's be friends!

What I'm doing with my life
I obviously got ahead of myself but I'm a speech pathology. I also work outside a lot as an "outdoor educator." Which means I play at a camp and teach nature like classes while also running Archery, bbs, rock wall/other climbing structure, and other camp things like crafts. Woooo crafts! And in my spare time I go on Imgur and binge watch things on Netflix :)
Favouritest of all the things
I have a lot of favourites. I love my job and the fact I get to work with all sorts of people/kids. Comic books(Deadpool and HQ are my main squeeze). I love playing rugby. I've been into anime since I was a kid and still go to cons and the like. And of course, like most Millennials I love my Netflix and other interweb things
My darkest secret
I am the Batman!!! Muahahahaaa

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