

19 / Male / Birr, Ireland


Ehm hello, my name is Kyle as I'm sure you noticed all ready. I'm a student in Carlows institute of technology studying software development. I'd say I'm kind of a nerd, not like your hipster classes and nerd t-shirt but I am a huge fan of LOTR, Star Wars, GoT, Video games all that jazz. If there is anything else you'd like to know we can also talk, cya :^)

What I'm doing with my life
Studenty stuffs
Favouritest of all the things
Movies, I watch a lot of movies. Really enjoy football(soccer) but don't worry though I'm not a crazy fan who talks about it 24/7. I like drinking with mates and having fun in general I guess.
My darkest secret
It wouldn't be a secret if it was posted online now would it.
  • Single
  • University

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