

Why is the rum always gone?

25 / Male / Washington, DC 20024, United States

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I'd like to say I'm an average 25 year old, but I don't know what average is... I like making a cocoon of blankets and streaming Netflix for whole days. I eat food that is bad for me, drink more than is healthy, and swear like a sailor, which is fitting since I used to be one, I guess.

What I'm doing with my life
Cashing in on the GI bill to do school... Almost finished with my associates, but most of the money goes towards pool halls and rum... sweet, sweet rum...
Favouritest of all the things
I don't know if I even have the room to list everything I consider a favourite... as far as books go: The Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks, most books by Tolkien, anything by R.A. Salvatore, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones... and a lot lot more.

Movies: Uh... almost all of them? Seriously though, I find entertainment in most film i watch, of course I have my favourites, but there's not nearly enough room to list them here... Anything by Guy Ritchie, Christopher Nolan, Martin Scorsese.... you get the gist(jist? eh, fuck it)

TV Shows: Again, anything remotely entertaining, I once watched 6 seasons of a show because I was bored. I mostly like action or comedy. Obviously Sherlock is near the top, Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, Scrubs... westerns like Hell on Wheels and Longmire too, and most half decent anime, although Bebop and Trigun probably top that list.

and of course YOU dear reader, you are also my favourite!
My darkest secret
Nice try NSA, you'll have to find out where the bodies are buried the old fashioned way.
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