

Hakuna Matata

27 / Male / Whiteland, IN, United States


I've been a Firefighter/EMT for over five years. I work a lot so I don't get much time to do things. In my free time, I do meet with my friends, but they have all moved closer to Indy so it's hard to meet them even on the rare occasions our work schedules permit.

I'm straight, but I'm not good at the whole dating thing. I can talk to girls, but flirting isn't a skill I'm good at.

What I'm doing with my life
I'm working, on average, 7 out of 14 days. It's a weird schedule. I finished saving for a house and I'm going to buy it within the month. :D
I'm writing a book about a supervillain because I can.
Favouritest of all the things
I love firefighting and EMS. It makes sense that I both work and volunteer doing just this.
I love to read. I'm always looking for a good new series to read, even though it devastates me when I come to the end...
I like to write, but I don't want that to become a burden. I take my time at it.
My darkest secret
The night sky.

That's both a joke and serious. I work night shift, so I get to live in a quieter world that the daywalkers of the earlier shifts never see.
  • Single
  • College

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