



er, I mean. hullo. My name is Jolene. 
AS OF OCT 2016: *Putting together a book to publish on Amazon, will keep you posted. It's a horror story! I work closer to home now and am in the midst of moving*
I am jolenethebean on snapchat and ShotgunBetty on twitter.

I am of Scottish/Viking decent.

A couple of things about me, myself and I:

1. Whiskey, please. But I am a stoner for sure. One of those active stoners.
2. I'm from Western Washington and it does NOT fucking rain all the time.
3. Starbucks are literally everywhere.
4. I would rather Science than gossip.
5. I am tall, 6' 1" ish, depending on the shoes.
6. I am a lady that likes to swear.
7. Ask me and maybe we can be Steam buddies
8. I don't flirt, been in a relationship with the mister man for like, 18 years now.
9. I have a tumblr but Is till don't know how to use it.
10. I have a twitter but don't twitter much.

11. I have a twitch channel under DethBetty if you want to watch. Been playing a LOOOOOT of Fallout 4 since the computer has a better video card. All of the details.

What I'm doing with my life
I don't fucking know. I mean, I've been working on a Sci Fi D&D book for freaking ever but my notes are currently missing in my house somewhere. I hope to find them soon.
UPDATE: I found them. I fucking finally found my notes. Now to just have some time to type it up and expand on the story..!UPDATE 2016: I put the D&D game aside for now and have been putting together a horror story that takes place in Seattle. I am much excite and hope to publish it this year! I can't come up with a fucking ending to either of my stories. Gotta work harder on them

Update March 2015: We've decided not to have kids and I gotta say, it is a relief. This world is over populated and I have never felt the urge to procreate. Just the mister man and myself and maybe a puppy later down the road.

Currently, I game a lot, work when I can and am forever waiting on rides and buses.UPDATE: We can has a car now. Yusss
Update 2017: Moved into a better neighborhood, still need to publish my horror story and working fulltime. Get that monies.
May 2017: My man was accosted by his co-worker while on the job so....yep. He's better than he was- his coworker is in jail. It is ongoing.
My profile pic was drawn by the awesome, one and only @theJAMray
May 2018: This mister has a new job. Huzzah! Back on track.
Favouritest of all the things
Anything that doesn't remind me of the dumpster fire that is my country rn
My darkest secret
Never you mind.
  • Seeing Someone
  • College

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