

21 / Female / Victoria, BC, Canada


Hi? I'm your typical weirdo girl, and proud of it. I am a total dog person, so if you don't like dogs we probably won't get along. I love movies (real original right) and discussing them. I have a lot of Netflix marathons, my DVD collection is over 100 and climbing, and my VHS collection is growing too.

I enjoy silly conversations where we just aimlessly rant about things like how food takes forever to cook when you're hungry, but you can somehow make a giant meal in like two seconds when you're not. I also enjoy deep conversations regarding mental health, as it is an issue that I know a lot about and have a lot of experience with.

I work in an office as an administrative assistant, though I prefer to think of myself as the office's everything girl. I do a lot of tasks and I enjoy it for the most part. I really dislike when I explain what I do and someone says "So..you're a secretary?"

I'm a vegetarian, but not the type that cares if you eat meat in front of me. Just make sure it doesn't go near my food and you don't try to kiss with meat mouth. I try to cook more often and make a good risotto. I also enjoy baking occasionally, and find boxed cake mix to be cringe worthy.

I'm a creative person occasionally, I don't write as much as I use to but I would like to get back into it. I also paint and cross stitch when the mood strikes. I'm not super talented but I do it anyways. I also enjoy dancing, whether it be at dance class, playing Just Dance, or just random dancing around my apartment in my underwear.

I'm a chubby girl who likes being squishy, but I am trying to tone it a little. Working out is always one of those things where I'm like YES! Exercise! And I work out at home hardcore for a week or I just decide I like how I look and won't care for a while and stop. Though I have started taking a weekly dance class so it's a good compromise.

I like to read, though I don't seem to do it as much as I should. Though once I find a series I like I do try to read every night before bed. I mainly prefer fiction, but I do really enjoy a good biography of someone I find fascinating. I have the usual favourite series such as Harry Potter and The Hunger Games, but I also really loved The Wicked Years by Gregory Maguire, The Dark Instruments by Phillip Pullman, the Dexter series by Jeff Lindsay, and the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. I'm still working through the last two. I also have a couple of guilty pleasure teen fiction series that I enjoy.

I read quite a few web comics, and always welcome additions to my list. My favourites are Girls with Slingshots, Questionable Content, Oh Joy Sex Toy, and Oglaf. Ooh and Sunstone, which isn't a weekly one but is well worth the wait.

I love discussing sex. I don't know why it fascinates me so, but it does. And with my lack of filter sometimes I can seem rude or nosy. I've often started a conversation with "What's your favourite position?" or "How big is it?" And while I'm sometimes told off, I find that most of the times if you're open about it you can help answer questions and get really good advice. I like discussing sex toys. Yup, you can call me pervy. It's true.

I'm stubborn when I think I'm right, and argumentative which is good sometimes as it allows for interesting conversations about important subjects. other times, well...I like arguing and don't always know when to just accept it's time to just like it go. I've been told I'm funny or witty, mainly because I get sassy about certain things and have a quick comeback. Though often I don't even realize what I'm saying before it's out of my mouth. I'm complicated, but really working on getting to a place where I can really like who I am.

I think I kind of took the 4000 character limit as a challenge as I realize how much I wrote. So I'm kind of assuming no one will fully read this, but it felt nice to try to express who I am.

I just want to find someone who makes me feel like it's okay to be fully me without hiding anything.

What I'm doing with my life
SweetFang apparently isn't doing anything with their life, that's unfortunate.
Favouritest of all the things
SweetFang has not written anything about their favouritest of all things.
My darkest secret
SweetFang doesn't think they have any secrets, but we all know about that one time right? ;)
  • Single
  • College

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