

21 / Male / Manchester, United Kingdom


Hey I'm Matt, guess this is the bit where I tell you about me, I'm out going and always have something to say I love to go out an get out an see the world, love to travel an learn new things but am quite happy to stay in and watch a film. I suppose i'm meant to say something profound about my self, but I'm not entirely sure what i should say an it sort of ruins the fun of getting to know someone.

ill tell you some basic things about me, I'm a self confessed gamer i don't care if you think its sad i love it, but i do actually see the out side i promise. i am also an avid Bmxer an never really met a girl who was into it so that would be a bonus. I love movies like no other i watch hundreds, Lord of the rings is my go to film if you like the films then we will get on just fine, wanting to train as an actor, hopefully move to London to study there.

I swear like a drunken sailor, i like an adventure and i want to move to New Zealand. not much more to say not that it matters.

What Im doing with my life?
I have started studying Acting and performing arts at college an then move down south to London for uni well that's the plan.

i have so many things i want to do, i'm aspiring actor an will try to fulfil that dream. Going to New Zealand next year for 1-2 months main plans

Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food?
So much i could write but ill try not to bore you so my favourite movies are :
Star wars original trilogy
The Hobbit
Batman trilogy
Stir Crazy.. there are so many more

Tv shows
Doctor Who.
Game of thrones

Books are few an far i read when i get the chance i've read all the harry potters but they aren't my favourite books i'd say if i had to pick one it would be Kensukes Kingdom a book which i read in year 6 but the story is amazing

ill listen to anything.. i have no specific genre i stick to i can listen to metal an the next i could have classical on im really not picky

What I'm doing with my life
TheWanderingTimeTraveller apparently isn't doing anything with their life, that's unfortunate.
Favouritest of all the things
TheWanderingTimeTraveller has not written anything about their favouritest of all things.
My darkest secret
TheWanderingTimeTraveller doesn't think they have any secrets, but we all know about that one time right? ;)
  • Single
  • College

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