

22 / Female / Houston, TX, United States


I am a college ...sophomore? Graduated high school in '09 in Vegas! I've got a car and a job (though I'm far from well off), the world is my oyster, and I'm looking to make friends! Hobbies include (but are not limited to: reading, hiking, imgur, internet, drawing, bowling, skating, hanging out, things I can do with my dog. I could go on and on about her. Got her as a 6-month-old, she's now two, almost three. I also have a goldfish. S/he's pretty, nameless, and healthy.
Music is a big part of my life, listening mostly. That being said, i typically don't know lyrics. Sometimes country, sometimes indie, sometimes classical.. wide and varied taste.
Hm... what else is there to tell?

What I'm doing with my life
Practicing being social. Finding the rhythm of the city. Taking part in the world!
Favouritest of all the things
My dog Kali!
My darkest secret
Heheh... heh.. no.

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