

Taco Cat backwards is still taco cat

21 / Male / Boulder, CO, United States


Well....I'm a sarcastic and witty person who loves cats, action movies, both the inter and outernet, and 80's sci-fi books (the kind you find at Goodwill with the yellowed pages and covers that have paintings on them). I moved from Michigan to Colorado to study Astronomy and Computer Science, and have no idea what field I'll end up with a job in. I occasionally do Ceili/Set/Contra dancing in Boulder. I love to cook and bake and I'm not too bad if I do say so myself (ladies...).

What I'm doing with my life
Studying Astronomy, training for the Tough Mudder in September and a biathlon in, oh jeez less than a month...
Working at the Office of The Registrar as a programmer at CU, playing games, wondering if animals can understand us and just act oblivious because we look stupid to them
Favouritest of all the things
Long, romantic, candlelit walks in a bubblebath on the beach while simultaneously getting a massage at a fancy dinner. Boom, romanced
My darkest secret
I've never seen Doctor Who
  • Single
  • University

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