

24 / Male / New York City, NY, United States


Still in school, and working to support myself at the same time. I'm an introvert, but when I have the energy for it I can be the life of the party. I'll just have to stay at home by myself the next day.
I always mean what I say.

What I'm doing with my life
Investing, training, learning all kinds of things off the internet. Like Polish and C++.
I want to spend all my days sailing and hiking.
Favouritest of all the things
Books: Thief of Time (and other discworld books though I haven't read a tenth of them I bet), The Sandman, Abarat, Perdido Street Station (my latest favorite), A Song of Ice and Fire, American Gods, Anansi Boys, Good Omens, I loved Redwall when I was little.
I also read the big three manga every week

Movies: The Fifth Element (saw it for my birthday when I was little), The Usual Suspects, Fight Club, Princess Mononoke, The Incredibles, Seven Psychopaths. I grew up watching lots of Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire movies too, like American in Paris, Singin in the Rain, etc
My darkest secret
Confession bear? I pick my nose. All guys do it.
  • Single
  • College

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