

25 / Female / Carmel, IN 46032, United States


Hi! I work at a financial firm in the area. When I'm not at work, I spend most of my free time linking people things on the interwebs or fueling my vidja game addiction. I have a thing for british TV and listening to terrible music while I cook. I love watching sports, especially American football (Da Bears!). I also love technology, gets me all sorts of excited.

Other than that, I'm a bit of a goofball -- with a penchant for laughing too much at puns. I love talking with people, feel free to message me!

What I'm doing with my life
I'm currently studying for various financial licenses.
Favouritest of all the things
Steam sales, baby animals, Mass Effect, the colour blue.
My darkest secret
fleurescent doesn't think they have any secrets, but we all know about that one time right? ;)

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