

20 / Male / Manchester, United Kingdom


The laziest most ambitious person you'll ever meet. Student, ginger, television addict. I have a list of hobbies which are very impressive and I'm only lying about 50% of them which is nice. I am currently wrapped up in a degree in Classics from the Uni of Manchester, UK and loving it. My real ambitions are more creative though, or possibly a mix of both... academi-creativism... can i do that?... No? Ok.

My personality and mood are mostly concerned with which TV show I'm currently watching because apparently I am just that impressionable. My all time faves include 30 Rock, Arrested Development, Parks and Rec, Black Books, The IT Crowd, Blackadder, Supernatural... lots of things.

Books: I used to read... I want to read.

Never really done the online thing before but I love the imgur community and hopefully i won't make too much of a tit of myself. I have the classic British hesitance when it comes to this sort of thing, a mixture of propriety and cowardice.

Oh and I'm a bit of an Americophile, I love the bloody place and the people. Mostly because of the food, you can't get a decent Pretzel or Clam chowder in about 5000 miles of this place.

Please don't catfish me...

What I'm doing with my life
Literally nothing
Favouritest of all the things
jwweedon has not written anything about their favouritest of all things.
My darkest secret
Besides killing a man in cold blood... None

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