

25 / Male / Portland, OR, United States

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Greetings. I'm your average tech dude. Always tinkering with computers, endless projects left and right.
I love hiking, video games, and hitting up the range.
Also, pretty much everything fantasy / science fiction related. :3

Fair warning!
I love Firefly. A lot. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED...

What I'm doing with my life
Reading lots and lots of wickedly awesome books. While being productive. Oh so very productive. Also, working full time. Because that's what mature responsible adults do, right? ._.
Favouritest of all the things
Anything by Brandon Sanderson. And Neil Gaiman. And Terry Pratchett. And Douglas Adams. and and and and....

One of these days I'll put my whole list of authors here.....

Regarding TV Shows / Movies.... if it's science fiction, odds are that I love it. If it's fantasy, odds are that I love it.
Stargate/Trek/Wars/Doctor Who = __> The books are on my shelf, I just haven't gotten to them either.

Anime is also something I greatly enjoy. Naturally, highly depends on the series, but there are few things that come close to Alucard doing one of his knifehand attack thingies through someone's chest.
My darkest secret
Anxiety sucks.
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