

All things together are very good by reason of the order of the universe, which is the ultimate and noblest perfection in things -Thomas Aquinas

22 / Male / Select your location


This little write up doesn't really allow anyone to experience the 'aboutness' of another. But hopefully listing some of the things I do will be sufficient. I'm a philosopher... No really, that's what I majored in. I played college soccer for four years. I love hip hop, art, traveling, and a good beer with friends.

What I'm doing with my life
As a recent college graduate I'm seeking new ventures and looking to further my education in philosophy and religious studies. I want to explore the diversity of cultures in the world and immerse myself in many of them.
Favouritest of all the things
Soccer, Dancing, Rapping, Writing, Reading, Hiking, Biking, Watching movies
My darkest secret
It's not a secret if I expose it in a public profile now is it?
  • Single
  • University

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