

emotional range of a teaspoon

23 / Female / Mildura, Victoria, Australia

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I'm a 23 year old Harry Potter freak whose best friend is her dog. I'm really dull. I like to do nothing, nothing is good. That makes me awesome, right?

What I'm doing with my life
I manage a Sanity store, which ironically has driven me to insanity. Retail makes me want to pull my hair out but I'm good at it and no matter how much I complain I love my job. I have a habit of having knee operations due to my defective body parts, and when I'm not trying to upsell you dvds I'm laying on my couch drinking wine reading Pretty Little Liars theories while spooning my dog.
Favouritest of all the things
Harry Potter, my dog, good music, sleep ins and sweet red wine.Find me a job that incorporates all 5 and I'll love you forever.
My darkest secret
I am gluten and dairy intolerant but I still eat enough chocolate to keep Cadbury in business.

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